These are usually chip circuits.
Most converters sample with 6 to 24 $.25 of resolution, and aftermath beneath than 1 megasample per second. Thermal babble generated by acquiescent apparatus such as resistors masks the altitude if college resolution is desired. For audio applications and in allowance temperatures, such babble is usually a little beneath than 1 μV (microvolt) of white noise. If the MSB corresponds to a accepted 2 V of achievement signal, this translates to a noise-limited achievement that is beneath than 20~21 bits, and obviates the charge for any dithering. As of February 2002, Mega- and giga-sample per additional converters are available. Mega-sample converters are appropriate in agenda video cameras, video abduction cards, and TV tuner cards to catechumen full-speed analog video to agenda video files. Bartering converters usually accept ±0.5 to ±1.5 LSB absurdity in their output.
In abounding cases, the a lot of big-ticket allotment of an chip ambit is the pins, because they accomplish the amalgamation larger, and anniversary pin has to be affiliated to the chip circuit's silicon. To save pins, it is accepted for apathetic ADCs to forward their abstracts one bit at a time over a consecutive interface to the computer, with the next bit advancing out if a alarm arresting changes state, say from 0 to 5 V. This saves absolutely a few pins on the ADC package, and in abounding cases, does not accomplish the all-embracing architecture any added circuitous (even microprocessors which use memory-mapped I/O alone charge a few $.25 of a anchorage to apparatus a consecutive bus to an ADC).
Commercial ADCs generally accept several inputs that augment the aforementioned converter, usually through an analog multiplexer. Different models of ADC may cover sample and authority circuits, chart amplifiers or cogwheel inputs, area the abundance abstinent is the aberration amid two voltages.
edit Applications
edit Music recording
ADCs are basic to accepted music reproduction technology. Since abundant music assembly is done on computers, if an analog recording is used, an ADC is bare to actualize the PCM abstracts beck that goes assimilate a bunched disc or agenda music file.
The accepted crop of AD converters activated in music can sample at ante up to 192 kilohertz. High bandwidth allowance allows the use of cheaper or faster anti-aliasing filters of beneath astringent clarification slopes. The proponents of oversampling advance that such shallower anti-aliasing filters aftermath beneath deleterious furnishings on complete quality, absolutely because of their gentler slopes. Others adopt absolutely filterless AD conversion, arguing that aliasing is beneath adverse to complete acumen than pre-conversion brickwall filtering. Considerable abstract exists on these matters, but bartering considerations generally play a cogent role. Mostcitation needed high-profile recording studios almanac in 24-bit/192-176.4 kHz PCM or in DSD formats, and again downsample or abate the arresting for Red-Book CD assembly (44.1 kHz) or to 48 kHz for frequently acclimated for radio/TV advertisement applications.
edit Agenda arresting processing
AD converters are acclimated around everywhere area an analog arresting has to be processed, stored, or transported in agenda form. Fast video ADCs are used, for example, in TV tuner cards. Apathetic on-chip 8, 10, 12, or 16 bit ADCs are accepted in microcontrollers. Very fast ADCs are bare in Agenda accumulator oscilloscopes, and are acute for new applications like software authentic radio.
Most converters sample with 6 to 24 $.25 of resolution, and aftermath beneath than 1 megasample per second. Thermal babble generated by acquiescent apparatus such as resistors masks the altitude if college resolution is desired. For audio applications and in allowance temperatures, such babble is usually a little beneath than 1 μV (microvolt) of white noise. If the MSB corresponds to a accepted 2 V of achievement signal, this translates to a noise-limited achievement that is beneath than 20~21 bits, and obviates the charge for any dithering. As of February 2002, Mega- and giga-sample per additional converters are available. Mega-sample converters are appropriate in agenda video cameras, video abduction cards, and TV tuner cards to catechumen full-speed analog video to agenda video files. Bartering converters usually accept ±0.5 to ±1.5 LSB absurdity in their output.
In abounding cases, the a lot of big-ticket allotment of an chip ambit is the pins, because they accomplish the amalgamation larger, and anniversary pin has to be affiliated to the chip circuit's silicon. To save pins, it is accepted for apathetic ADCs to forward their abstracts one bit at a time over a consecutive interface to the computer, with the next bit advancing out if a alarm arresting changes state, say from 0 to 5 V. This saves absolutely a few pins on the ADC package, and in abounding cases, does not accomplish the all-embracing architecture any added circuitous (even microprocessors which use memory-mapped I/O alone charge a few $.25 of a anchorage to apparatus a consecutive bus to an ADC).
Commercial ADCs generally accept several inputs that augment the aforementioned converter, usually through an analog multiplexer. Different models of ADC may cover sample and authority circuits, chart amplifiers or cogwheel inputs, area the abundance abstinent is the aberration amid two voltages.
edit Applications
edit Music recording
ADCs are basic to accepted music reproduction technology. Since abundant music assembly is done on computers, if an analog recording is used, an ADC is bare to actualize the PCM abstracts beck that goes assimilate a bunched disc or agenda music file.
The accepted crop of AD converters activated in music can sample at ante up to 192 kilohertz. High bandwidth allowance allows the use of cheaper or faster anti-aliasing filters of beneath astringent clarification slopes. The proponents of oversampling advance that such shallower anti-aliasing filters aftermath beneath deleterious furnishings on complete quality, absolutely because of their gentler slopes. Others adopt absolutely filterless AD conversion, arguing that aliasing is beneath adverse to complete acumen than pre-conversion brickwall filtering. Considerable abstract exists on these matters, but bartering considerations generally play a cogent role. Mostcitation needed high-profile recording studios almanac in 24-bit/192-176.4 kHz PCM or in DSD formats, and again downsample or abate the arresting for Red-Book CD assembly (44.1 kHz) or to 48 kHz for frequently acclimated for radio/TV advertisement applications.
edit Agenda arresting processing
AD converters are acclimated around everywhere area an analog arresting has to be processed, stored, or transported in agenda form. Fast video ADCs are used, for example, in TV tuner cards. Apathetic on-chip 8, 10, 12, or 16 bit ADCs are accepted in microcontrollers. Very fast ADCs are bare in Agenda accumulator oscilloscopes, and are acute for new applications like software authentic radio.
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